All About Keloid Treatment

Keloid scars don’t look good at all. A keloid on ear does not just make your ears look really big; it can also impact your whole appearance. The appearance of a keloid is usually pinkish in color. The keloid generally has a relatively firm, yet rubbery texture. These scars form when your granulation tissue begins to overgrow. It’s important to note that these scars are completely benign and are not contagious at all. However, in some cases, you might experience a bit of pain or severe itchiness as your body starts to heal.


A better option would be to try a keloid treatment program. In many cases, a keloid on ear can be formed after a minor surgery. After a few days have passed, and the wound has been sealed and you can see the scar clearly, you should begin by applying pressure bandages to the affected region. A pressure bandage or silicone sheeting is the best option available, since it reduces the raised fibrous tissue and also minimizes the protrusion. However, simply applying a pressure bandage on a regular basis might not be enough to remove the keloid scar.


Other Treatment Methods

Apart from this, there are several other treatment methods that you can use to treat a keloid scar. For instance, applying silicone gel on a regular basis is actually a wise idea. Keloid treatment can also be done with the help of steroid injections, though you should consult with your nutritionist before injecting any region of your skin with steroids. These can cause the scars to become flat and eventually fade out. Many people also prefer using Vitamin E oil, which causes the scars to lose their firm, rubbery texture and become smooth and supple.


Treating a keloid scar will take time. Some companies also offer cryo-needle treatment methods, where they inject the scar with liquid nitrogen in order to remove the abutting scar from the inside out using a highly specialized process. It is done by experienced skin specialists, and costs more money. You should try the alternate treatment methods first before opting for cryo-needle solutions.